South High School
Monday, March 9, 2020
“Early Out Schedule”
ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY: School dismissed @ 1:36
Spring Sport Pictures
TUESDAY: Regular Schedule
V Tennis vs Foothill; JV Tennis @ Foothill 4pm
WEDNESDAY: Regular Schedule
JV/V Baseball & JV/V Softball vs Foothill 4pm
FR Baseball & FR Softball @ Foothill excuse after 6th period
THURSDAY: Regular Schedule
V-Tennis @ East; JV-Tennis vs East 4pm
Band Concert
FRIDAY: Regular Schedule
V-Tennis @ Lynch Cup TBA through Sat.
JV-Tennis @ West TBA through Sat.
SATURDAY: Track @ Visalia TBA
Coming up….
Word of the Day: indicate give evidence of. Example: The sand sheets indicate large tsunamis had hit frequently — in geologic time.
Attention winter sport athletes another group of winter sports pictures have arrived, you may pick up in AO, AFTER SCHOOL.
Attention Rebels our last blood drive is April 1st. Pick up application in AO starting today at lunch. Must be 16 to donate.
Send some good luck vibes to your favorite Rebel starting next week! Lucky St. Patrick grams go on sale starting March 9th at the Activities Window.