Bulletin Board » March 13th

March 13th

South High School
Friday, March 13, 2020
“Regular Schedule”

All Athletic competitions canceled through April 14th

Coming up….
Word of the day: Major of greater importance or stature or rank. Ex: The second major area of presidential power is foreign policy.
Attention Rebels our last blood drive is April 1st. Pick up application in AO starting today at lunch. Must be 16 to donate.
Lucky St. Patrick grams go on sale starting March 9th at the Activities Window. $3 each.

NEW for students our quick café line by E hall that serves lunch for all students. It will be open daily for service, but will be closed on rainy or any bad weather days. Thank you

Attention Jrs: Do you plan to attend a four year college? The next SAT test date is Sat., May 2nd. Deadline to register is April 3rd. Register online at Please see Ms. Cisneros or Ms. Lopez in the Career Center for a fee waiver.

Students remember during lunch you are supposed to be in the quad at all times. Students are not allowed in the IT area, hallways, black top, or near portables during lunch time. Remember Rebels Do it Right by respecting the rules on campus.